Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 35

I lost my plug.  Yep, I said it.  My plug is gone.  I never had that happen with Colby.  Everyone who I have talked to said labor can happen soon or be weeks away.  I don't think I have anything to worry about.  No contractions or crazy back pain in sight.  However, my feet are swollen at the end of the day and I am experiencing a lot of heartburn too.

I have now been going to the doctor twice a week to do sonograms and NST tests (stress tests).  For the first three stress tests she was not moving enough so I would have to lay there for hours.  However, after talking to my friend Allison she gave me some great advice.  She told me to drink some soda before the test.  Now, the baby is going crazy during the tests so I am not stuck at the appointment all day.

Last weekend, Marsha came down to take care of Colby so Bill and I could have a last babymoon day. We went to the movies on Friday and I forget how difficult it was to sit for over an hour in one place.  That did not go so well even though the LEGO movie was "awesome".  On Saturday we headed to the Annapolis mall for maternity photos and a trip to Michael's.  The photos turned out great and hopefully I will work on uploading them this weekend.  I am glad we did them.  While at Michael's, we picked up some block letters and paint for a name project.  The name project is now complete and all we had to do is hang it up.  This weekend the nursery will be complete.  Pictures to follow soon. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 34

We are almost there and things are starting to fall into place.

Last week, I started seeing the doctor twice a week. It did not go so well with my stress test.  She was not moving a lot.  I had to lie on the monitor for over an hour and the doctors wanted to see me back Friday.  Pretty much the same thing happened, but this time I got a sonogram too.  Everything looks fine and she was moving all over the place for the sonogram.

I have a feeling maybe March 19th will not be our date anymore... Probably earlier.  Ohh well.  On that note, I filled out all the maternity paperwork and just now need to submit it to HR.  When she is born, I have more to fill out to get my AFLAC disability coverage but it should be all good.

We finally got the crib and Bill put it together today with the Colby's help.  He will be a great big brother.  We ordered the dresser and nightstand over the weekend and hopefully that should be here by next weekend.   We just need to get the monitor, decals and tons of diapers.  Right now, these are the essentials after the furniture.

The room will probably be completed over the next two weekends and I can't wait.  When Marsha comes next weekend, Bill and I will go to Picture People and get maternity photos and buy some frames/letters for the nursery.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Week 32

It seems like everything is making me upset nowadays.  Bill even thinks I have post-partem depression. I don't even think that is possible since I haven't had the baby yet.. maybe pre-partem depression or it could be lingering from Colby's birth 2 years later.  Both Bill and I are just realizing how people we once respected and loved are very toxic.  The more and more I get farther into this pregnancy, I know what matters: Only Bill, Colby, new baby and myself.  I don't have time to care about people who do not care about us.

Let me tell you what else has been bothering me.

(1) The fact that everyone keeps telling me how big I look.  No Shit.  Thanks for telling me how fat I am.  I look exactly the same as I did with my first pregnancy( got pics to prove it).  When I first was pregnant with Colby, people use to say you look beautiful. Nope, now I get the opposite reaction and I will smack the next person who says something.

(2) I had three showers with Colby and none with our little girl.  I am not going to throw myself a shower like I did for Colby.   It seems like everyone is only excited for the first and the second gets neglected.

(3) I am a lot lazier now.  I did weekly updates on my last blog.  Overshared every detail.  Now, I censor everything and only share the big milestones.  I hope our Baby B doesn't get upset that her blog lacks the content from my first.

(4) Last pregnancy, we read books, we went on hospital tours, called daycares, took maternity photos.  This pregnancy we have done none. I think we have to take photos and now I am regretting that we might not have an opportunity to do it before the big day.  I want to experience this pregnancy like I did my last.  She is special and I need to make her feel that way.

(5) Our nursery is none existent.  We are still holding out hope someone will buy us a crib and a dresser.  With 6 weeks to go, I am too afraid we will have to dip into our savings and purchase the rest of our registry.  I am a planner and I hate that nothing is in this room.  Every weekend is precious now and it is a missed opportunity not organizing, painting, and putting this room together.  Gods knows we will have no sleep when she comes.

(6) I am starting to feel guilty that Colby will be neglected once she comes.  She hasn't even come yet, but I know this will become a fact.  Hoping Colby adjusts to her arrival.

(7) I no longer with share anything on Facebook.  I was so excited to post pictures everyday of Colby and his milestones.  I will no longer do this.  If people care, they will call us.  I am done letting people pry into our lives and give nothing back in return.

(8) My maternity leave has been such a hassle.  I am dreading filling out the paper-work.  I too will only get paid for 10 weeks (not 12).  But happy that we do have daycare lined up.

Next week I have a slew of doctors appointments.  Hopefully I will get a 4D pic of the bump.  I am ready for my maternity leave to begin.